25 Mithqal AL-Fayez

11183 Zahran, Amman

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Saturday to Thursday

Government Affairs

Navigating Policies, Accelerating Transformation

National Regulations Compliance

Prior Action, Perfected Processes, Comprehensive Auditing

Business Development Consulting

Expanding Ideas, Executing Dreams, and Tailoring Strategies

Public Relations & Commercial Mediation

Expertly navigating conflicts, fostering positive relationships

Celebrating with Jordan

The First Century – 100 years since the establishment of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Silver Jubilee – 25 years of H.M. King Abdallah II reign.

Celebrating AL-Hussein – The wedding of H.R.H. Crown Prince AL-Hussein.

Independence Day – 76 years since The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan announced independence.

Independence Day – 77 years since The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan announced independence.

Independence Day – 78 years since The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan announced independence.